Our Service Department is on its final stages of being completed! It looks great! As you can see we are getting our heavy car lifts placed in the building, starting insulation in our Service waiting area, and we will finally have AC in our service department! Our mechanics are very excited about that! We are making some awesome progress! Once the walls, insulation, and electric are complete we will start moving our mechanic's up to the new building! We will be moving all of their tools and the cars that they are currently working on! It will be such a busy and exciting day! We are so glad to have our mechanics closer to home! We are also planning on paving the parking lot outside the service department! That way we won't have to deal with gravel and mud puddles in the future! The finished product is going to look great and we can't wait to share it with all of our customers! Thank you for reading and staying updated on what is happening here at Team Lake Road Auto Sales! Be sure to check in with us next week!